Every new website deserves a new blog…

G’day, everyone, and welcome to my new author home on the internet. Granted, it’s a bit sparse around here at the moment, but give it time. I’m going to use this blog to talk about my writing journey, general random thoughts - I have a lot of those - and stuff. It’s the stuff that makes life worth living, after all.

I guess introductions are in order. Tell me about yourself. Lovely, now here’s a little bit about me. I’m a 50-year-old Australian - yep, Gen X - who writes all day building corporate education products and then writes all night, making the imaginary people living in my head fall in love, fall out of love, cry, and generally be all dramatic for your entertainment.

While I’d love to say I’ve got a bazillion novels for you to go off and read, I have one. Well, three. But two of those are horror, and you’re here from men sweeping each other off their feet. If you are interested in my horror work, you can check them out Confession and In His Words here. I might go back to horror one day. I’ve got enough ideas, but that said, I’ve got enough ideas to be writing gay romance - or homo-romo as I call it - until about 300 years after I die, so I might just stick around here.

I guess that’s all from me for blog post number 1. See, it wasn’t that scary and I didn’t even bite you once. I keep telling people I’m the nice one but no one believes me.

Till next time,



A Song For Every Story.